Friday, December 29, 2006
rude people
okay, no questions about why i'm reading the best of craig's list for toronto, but this guy's toronto subway rules apply to trains all over the world.
now for my personal metro horror:
on tuesday (yes, the day after christmas), i was walking through the entrance (which is somewhere between 8-9 feet wide, and just to make a point, i am nowhere near being 8-9 feet wide). a girl, about 5-4, maybe 120 pounds, blonde, mid-twenties, shoves me as she walks past.
after regaining my balance, i say "geez."
she turns around, steps right up to me, and yells, "did you say something? you said something to me!"
"well, you pushed me."
"i had to push you because you were in my way."
"you had to push me?"
"if you wouldn't walk so slow you wouldn't be in my way and so i pushed you." (she is now screeching. for some reason, she thinks i did something horribly wrong.)
"and so you pushed me?" turning, i study the 8-9 foot doorway, comparing with my size 8, sometimes a 6, hips. nowhere even close. but now the irate rude person is gone, and i am wondering if she also pushes the elderly, the infirm, small children, people on crutches and new mothers carrying infants.
our society has become filled with inconsiderate, self-obsessed people who go out of their way to be rude to complete strangers.
i hope santa brought her coal for christmas.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
five things
1. my lizards have boy names, but they are both girls. i can't tell my frogs apart.
2. i've broken four bones, two at a time, but have never had stitches.
3. i've never seen any of the rocky or rambo movies all the way through. and the peices that i have seen i'm not sure which numbers they were from.
4. i was decatur's labor day queen in 1996. i have a trophy and got to ride in a parade.
5. i've won 2 school awards, one in home economics and one in drama/theater. i tripped up the stairs at the ceremony for the theater award.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
its fricking freezing

Monday, December 04, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
we're just bowling fools.

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
all the wit that's fit to print

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
us soccer: new retirement plan
so now u.s. teams can afford to court european players, like beckham and figo, who are nearing the end of their careers. giving these players another option besides retirement - come play in the u.s.! hey, they're too old to play for real teams, since those teams are always getting younger, faster and better. but not ours - we're willing to override current salary caps in order to sign star players who are past their prime to play anywhere else. now that sounds like a plan to get u.s. soccer taken seriously by the rest of the world.
the kicker is that many u.s. professional soccer players are not paid enough, and need to have a second job to live comfortably. that actually goes against the definition of being a professional.
dc united players:
bobby boswell, 2006 mls defender of the year.
troy perkins, 2006 mls goalie of the year.
both players were salaried $29,400 in 2006, 1/3 of the league average salary.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
fear the turtle!
they had a great game last night!
yeah, still not quite sure how i got to be a umd fan.

Friday, November 17, 2006
weird, but true

imagine the poor guy who discovered this fish.
bet you couldn't get him in the water again.
(Anoplogaster cornuta, c.n. fangtooth)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
cirque du soleil - corteo

this show is awesome. if you have a chance to go, GO. i love the acrobats, they were amazing. everything was amazing. i am stunned. i want to go join the circus.
Monday, November 13, 2006
dog days of, um, winter?

last friday, veteran's day, was the most beautiful day. so i took the girls to the park. we were the only ones there, and they spend more time sniffing stuff than they did running around. i guess without other dogs there, they weren't really interested in playing.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
go vote
here is a quote from the explanation section.
Marriage in the Commonwealth creates specific legal rights, benefits, and
obligations for a man and a woman. There are other legal rights, benefits, and obligations
which will continue to be available to unmarried persons, including the naming of an
agent to make end-of-life decisions by an Advance Medical Directive (Code of Virginia §
54.1-2981), protections afforded under Domestic Violence laws (Code of Virginia § 18.2-
57.2), ownership of real property as joint tenants with or without a right of survivorship
(Code of Virginia § 55-20.1), or disposition of property by will (Code of Virginia § 64.1-
Friday, November 03, 2006
markoff's haunted forest and other halloween eerieness

halloween itself was... well... anticlimactic. i bought candy, carved our jack-o-lantern, and got a total of... 0 trick or treaters!!!!
if anyone likes blow-pops i've got a bunch at my house. :(
Thursday, October 26, 2006
quote of the day
-drew carey
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
college reunion and other good times

my only college pal that i talk to on a regular basis.

this guy ripped his pants at my wedding.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
finally, some recognition!
my first dinner party
appetizers - salsa verde, salsa caliente, guacamole and chile rellenos.
main course - avacado enchiladas, zucchini and portabella tacos and rice and beans
dessert - vanilla coffee and a sample tray of desserts from tiffany's bakery
salsa caliente. los tried it, then nobody ate it. he now thinks i was trying to kill him. hmmm... death by salsa? i'm changing the name.
death by salsa:
6 large tomatoes, seeded, cut into chunks
1/2 large onion,in large chunks
1 cup red pepper, seeded and diced
juice from one lime
1 cup cilantro leaves
2 garlic cloves
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 fresh, seeded habanero chile
toss everything into the food processor. process until well combined (not necessarily smooth). enjoy!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
it's cold
therefore, i'm posting a link to the livecam at the monterey bay aquarium so that everyone can visit the penguins. pic is also from the bay's website.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
yay metro!
the vienna metro station has installed gates for smarttrip users only. this is a wonderful progression. this means that i don't have to wait for stupid people (i.e. tourists) who don't know how to insert their little paper metro cards into the gate, i can just go to the speed gate and slip right through.
yay metro!
now if they could only get it to run on time.

Thursday, October 05, 2006
About Me
Lindsey says: 'Like' waaaaay too much.
Lindsey does: the environmental reviews for FEMA preparedness grants. Seriously! FEMA really does do preparedness! Truly. This is not a joke.
Lindsey can: play the baritone, touch her tongue to her nose, get lost while driving anywhere, plan a trip using exclusively the metro, run in 4 inch heels, draw the chemical reaction creating acid rain.
Lindsey can't: whistle, time travel, do math in her head, make it snow (although to make it rain she only has to wash her car), spell supercalifragelisicexper- expi- expy- oh never mind.
Lindsey loves: her husband, her babies, her dogs, her fish, her lizards, her gardens. And spicy food. And cardigans. And shoes, although that's on an entirely different level that might not be called love anymore, and is probably clinically unhealthy and may require treatment including a white jacket and a padded room.Lindsey hates: crocs, mustard, collard greens, disorganization, unmade beds, dirty dishes on countertops.
Lindsey eats: fish, eggs, cheese, fruit, vegetables, grains.
Lindsey doesn't eat: red or white meat, and hasn't in 17 years.
Lindsey smells: like Light Blue from D&G or like No. 19 from Chanel. Mostly she smells like a refugee from the Body Shop.
Lindsey watches: Boardwalk Empire, True Blood, Hell's Kitchen, LOST, the original CSI, House, Handy Manny, Deadliest Catch, Hawaii Five-0, and anything with Clive Owen in it, except for Shoot 'Em Up becaust that was reaaaaaally bad. Marathons of the Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits, pretty much everything on the Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, or National Geographic.
Lindsey reads: the Washington Post, a million blogs, and whatever it currently says on Goodreads.
Lindsey can't leave the house without: making her bed, making sure all bottles and containers are facing the same direction, making sure all the towels are folded correctly, letting the dogs outside to pee.
Lindsey believes: in karma, that she who dies with the most shoes wins, in affordable healthcare for everyone who wants it, in caring for things that can't care for themselves, in preserving what's left of this world for her children's children, that ignorance is more expensive than education, that she's smarter than a fifth grader, in finding solutions instead of band-aids to difficult problems, that the only way to regulate integrity is to have government and businesses open all of their records to the public, and that even then it's questionable.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
CHCI reyes of comedy to see CHCI events in dc.
Monday, October 02, 2006
ben and los even waited in a 30 minute line to get apple doughnuts, which i have to admit are awesome.

these apple trees are pretty tiny. which means no climbing. :(
great view.
ben and noel.