Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Chile's independence day festival

She absolutely adores this car.

Zip-i-dee-dooo-dah Zip-i-dee-daaaay!

Once a child learns how to work a zipper, how exactly am I supposed to keep her dressed?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Being all cultural, and stuff

At the Smithsonian Museum of American History.

Dumbo, an American Icon, obviously.

A piece of 9/11.

This is an excellent exhibit.
Abe Lincoln's hat.

Hi I'm gonna take a bath now, kay thx bye.

The Deck In Progress.

She fought the good fight, but alas, it was naptime.

Don't tell Bob.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

In Chile.

We went to this amazing little place in Charlottesville for brunch, where each of the tables is named after a country in Central and South America. So's in Chile.

No sleep til Brooklyn!

Growth stat pool

Thursday is Sophie's 15 month pedi appointment, although she was tecnically 15 months old last Monday. One of the things that we look forward to are guessing her stats. I'm allowing comments this time - the people who get the closest to each number win ... a surprise!

Birth 21.25", 8.375 lbs.
2 months 24.25", 12.063 lbs.
4 months 25.25", 14.875 lbs.
6 months 26.75", 18.063 lbs.
9 months 29.00", 21.438 lbs.
12 months 30.50", 24.062 lbs.
15 months ? ?
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