And juice! Apple juice is your favorite. The bottles are little enough for you to hold, so we just let you have the bottle and you drink little bits at a time.
You were very good at Thanksgiving dinner, sitting in the highchair we got for your Abuelita's house, playing with your toys and eating your sweet potatoes. You were also very good during Black Friday, when you and I went shopping for deals and steals all over town. So you know what everyone is getting for Christmas, but I know you won't tell.
It's getting pretty busy around our house. Daddy's trying to finish our new house, I'm getting ready for final exams and everyone's getting ready for Christmas and moving and... whew! But we will always take time. We will make time. Because spending time is important, and it makes a big difference. No matter how busy or hectic it gets, we will always make time. I can't wait for you to get bigger, and look forward to new milestones. I can't wait to hear what your voice sounds like, to see you take your first steps, to teach you to do your own laundry. But at the same time I miss those far away days when you were a tiny little thing content to sleep on my chest and who stayed where I put you.
18 pounds, 1 ounce, 26 3/4 inches.