"Can I have a drink of your bear?" "No, beer is for grown-ups." "Let me smell it then."
"Where are we going?" "Home." "How 'bout we go to a party?"
"Soup it!" (Properly said 'chupe', to lick your fingers.)
"Baby soup." (Bathing suit.)
"You need some help? I help you..." put your shoes on, tie your shoes, walk down the stairs, make dinner, change your pants, take a shower, etc. etc. etc.
"I need to bump the salad." (She is an expert at the salad spinner.)
"Chuck-E-Cheese is closed."
Words she says in Spanish no matter what the rest of the sentence is in:
chupete (pacifier), as in, "Claire needs her chupete."
aqui (here)
leche (milk)
agua (water)
We've started her calling adults "Miss Beth", etc., and she calls her doctor "Miss Doctor".
I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of any right now.