You have seven teeth now, two on the bottom and four on the top. After your canines came in, the two middle teeth came in pretty quickly. So you weren't a vampire for long.
guess it's time to move you out of the bassinet. Since you can stand up in it and all. This month we started putting you to sleep in your own bed. Which is actually a pack and play in the office, because I really don't want you and your sister to wake each other up in the middle of the night.
Thank you for being part of my life. I love you so very much, sometimes it's painful. You smile all the time (unless someone else is holding you, you've got Mama Fever pretty bad) and you have this huge smile where you open your entire mouth and show everyone your tonsils.
guess it's time to move you out of the bassinet. Since you can stand up in it and all. This month we started putting you to sleep in your own bed. Which is actually a pack and play in the office, because I really don't want you and your sister to wake each other up in the middle of the night.